
Bulk payment is a service that enables your system to submit multiple payments at once. Just like single payment service, bulk payment supports all channels.


Payment Channels
Channel Description
ANB anb to anb
SWIFT International payments through SWIFT network
SARIE Local payments through SARIE RTGS network

Instant local transfer via the new SARIE network (STL IBAN only)
Accepts up to 20,000 SAR



To use the Bulk Payment service, you need to do the following:

  • Register/Login to the anb Developer Portal.
  • Create an app.
  • You should now have a client id and secret associated with your app.
  • Get an access token from our auth service using your client id and secret.


Bulk File Specification

Bulk payments will be submitted via a CSV (comma separated values) file. The structure of the file follows the single payment service specification(TODO). The first row of the file should specify the header of each individual payment.

74180,201102,SAR,1000,Fintech A,Street1,JEDDAH,Saudi Arabia,0108057386290014,ARNBSARI,ANB,0108057386290038,Ahmad Abdullah,KSA,RIYADH,,,38
74180,201102,SAR,1000,Fintech A,Street1,JEDDAH,Saudi Arabia,0108057386290014,ARNBSARI,ANB,0108057386290038,Ahmad Abdullah,KSA,RIYADH,,,38

Once the file gets submitted, the service will assure the validity of the file format and its structure. In case of any issue in the structure or the format, the file will be rejected immediately. If the file format is valid, the file will be accepted and prepared to be processed, and you will receive a unique UUID to be used for any further inquiries. Then, each payment will be validated against a couple of static validation to assure its readiness to be processed.


Bulk Payment Summary Service

You may use this service to get a summary of the submitted file. The service will return the number of valid and invalid payments.


You may use "Single Payment" inquiry service to inquire about the individual payments extracted from the bulk file. Also, the events emitted during single payment processing will also be emitted for each payment submitted in the bulk file.


Invalid Payments Service

You may use this service to inquire about invalid payments submitted in the bulk file. The service will return all invalid payments and indicate their row number and the reason of failure.


Valid Payments Service

You may use this service to inquire about valid payments submitted in the bulk file. Just like single payment structure, the service will return all valid payments along with their unique UUID and other details.